4EVE Special Album Boxset  “Trick or Treat” Create art direction of mini album.

4EVE Special Album Boxset

“Trick or Treat”

Create art direction of mini album.

"WHAWHA" ทำไงดีครัช (Crush On You) 

Create direction of artwork for promote new artist.

มารักกับพี่ (NUNA)- LULA Feat.Lazyloxy (official MV)

Create art direction of Music Video.

"Boyfriend" Pam Anshisa

Create art direction to promote music video.

"ช่วงเวลาพิเศษ"  F.HERO x Txrbo x J JAZZSPER x เก่ง ธชย

Create art direction of music video "ช่วงเวลาพิเศษ"

Create direction of variety show to promote Thai movie "DEEP" in Netflix

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